Sales revenue

As of June 30, 2024


  • *"Same-store" means the stores which have been operating for more than 12 months.
  Current month
(change YoY, %)
Year to Date
(change YoY, %)
Same-store: per store / day Average daily sales (¥'000) 435 100.6 420 99.5
CVS category (YoY)   98.8   98.2
In-store FF category (YoY)   110.9   107.2
Average daily transactions 683 100.8 654 99.6
Average sales / transaction 638 99.8 643 100.0
All stores: per store / day Average daily sales (¥'000) 435 100.7 420 99.6
CVS category (YoY)   98.8   98.2
In-store FF category (YoY)   111.0   107.3
Average daily transactions 683 100.9 654 99.7
Average sales / transaction 637 99.8 642 99.9
All store total sales (%) Total sales (YoY) 101.0 99.6
CVS category (YoY) 99.1 98.2
In-store FF category (YoY) 111.3 107.3
  • *New business stores are not included.

Year-to-Date performance

Changes in the number of stores

Japan 1,8551,8561,8561,8561,8551,855
Vietnam 169173179181184183
  • *Displayed with new business stores included (excluding MINISTOP POCKET).

Number of stores - Quick-view

Operating results / number of stores historical data