Operating results

As of February 28, 2022

  • *"Same-store" means the stores which have been operating for more than 12 months.

Same-store: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 398 413 415 426 440 437 422
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 99.1 105.6 103.2 101.9 108.4 96.5 102.3
CVS category (YoY, %) 100.2 105.1 103.1 102.9 106.3 97.4 102.4
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 91.4 109.0 104.3 95.8 123.0 91.3 101.6
Average daily transactions 649 670 673 702 705 691 683
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 93.4 104.8 104.3 99.5 104.7 91.9 99.4
Average sales / transaction (¥) 613 615 616 607 623 632 618
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 106.1 100.8 99.0 102.5 103.5 105.0 102.9
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 425 395 400 403 380 396 412
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 98.9 100.7 98.7 99.8 101.1 100.1 101.1
CVS category (YoY, %) 98.7 100.5 98.3 99.4 99.9 98.6 100.9
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 100.4 102.6 101.4 102.2 110.2 111.2 102.9
Average daily transactions 658 654 654 636 592 626 661
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 94.2 97.5 96.0 97.3 98.7 96.9 98.2
Average sales / transaction (¥) 646 604 612 634 642 633 623
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 105.0 103.3 102.7 102.5 102.4 103.3 103.0

All stores: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 398 413 415 426 440 437 422
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 99.3 105.9 103.6 102.3 108.8 97.0 102.9
CVS category (YoY, %) 100.5 105.4 103.5 103.3 106.7 98.0 103.0
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 91.7 109.3 104.7 96.1 123.4 91.8 102.2
Average daily transactions 650 671 673 702 705 691 683
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 93.6 105.0 104.7 99.8 105.0 92.3 99.9
Average sales / transaction (¥) 612 615 616 607 623 632 618
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 106.2 100.8 99.0 102.5 103.6 105.1 103.0
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 425 395 400 403 380 396 412
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 99.6 101.4 99.2 100.4 101.8 100.8 101.9
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.3 101.1 98.8 100.0 100.6 99.3 101.6
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 101.1 103.4 102.0 103.0 111.0 112.0 103.6
Average daily transactions 658 654 654 636 592 626 661
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 94.6 98.0 96.4 97.8 99.2 97.4 98.7
Average sales / transaction (¥) 646 604 612 634 642 633 623
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 105.2 103.5 102.9 102.7 102.6 103.5 103.2

All store total sales

  March April May June July August First-half total
Total sales (YoY, %) 98.8 106.5 104.1 101.4 107.7 95.6 102.2
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.9 106.1 103.9 102.3 105.6 96.6 102.3
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 91.3 110.0 105.2 95.2 122.1 90.5 101.5
  September October November December January February Year Total
Total sales (YoY, %) 97.9 99.8 97.7 98.8 100.2 99.0 100.6
CVS category (YoY, %) 97.7 99.5 97.3 98.5 99.0 97.6 100.3
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 99.4 101.8 100.4 101.4 109.3 110.1 102.4

  • *New business stores are not included.

Number of stores

As of February 28, 2022

  March April May June July August
Japan 1,997 1,992 1,983 1,982 1,981 1,973
Vietnam 134 124 121 121 121 121
  September October November December January February
Japan 1,970 1,971 1,970 1,971 1,965 1,959
Vietnam 120 120 120 120 120 120
  • *Displayed with new business stores included (excluding MINISTOP POCKET).

Operating results / number of stores historical data