Operating results

As of February 28, 2019

  • *"Same-store" means the stores which have been operating for more than 12 months.

Same-store: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 408 414 408 426 452 451 428
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 99.1 98.6 96.2 98.4 99.5 99.9 98.7
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.4 98.3 96.5 98.2 98.4 98.5 98.2
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 97.6 101.0 94.2 99.8 106.9 108.9 101.7
Average daily transactions 735 754 753 787 816 812 778
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 97.5 97.8 95.0 96.9 98.1 99.4 97.5
Average sales / transaction (¥) 555 548 542 541 555 555 550
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 101.6 100.8 101.2 101.6 101.5 100.4 101.2
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 427 392 400 402 373 392 415
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 101.1 95.7 96.4 96.6 97.6 97.9 98.2
CVS category (YoY, %) 101.7 95.1 96.6 97.4 97.6 98.1 98.0
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 97.3 100.3 95.2 90.6 97.2 96.6 99.1
Average daily transactions 751 729 736 706 659 706 750
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 96.8 98.5 96.9 95.8 97.3 96.8 97.3
Average sales / transaction (¥) 569 537 544 570 565 555 553
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 104.5 97.2 99.4 100.8 100.3 101.1 100.9

All stores: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 405 411 406 424 450 448 425
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 99.4 98.6 96.3 98.6 99.8 100.0 98.8
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.7 98.3 96.6 98.4 98.6 98.6 98.4
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 97.8 101.2 94.3 100.0 107.1 108.9 101.8
Average daily transactions 732 752 749 784 812 808 775
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 97.9 97.8 95.1 97.0 98.3 99.4 97.6
Average sales / transaction (¥) 554 547 541 541 554 555 549
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 101.6 100.8 101.2 101.6 101.6 100.6 101.3
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 426 391 399 401 372 391 413
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 101.5 96.1 96.8 97.4 98.5 98.9 98.9
CVS category (YoY, %) 102.0 95.5 97.0 98.2 98.6 99.1 98.8
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 97.6 100.6 95.4 91.2 97.9 97.4 99.7
Average daily transactions 749 727 734 704 658 705 747
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 97.1 98.9 97.3 96.5 98.1 97.7 97.9
Average sales / transaction (¥) 568 537 544 569 565 555 553
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 104.5 97.2 99.5 100.9 100.4 101.3 101.0

All store total sales

  March April May June July August First-half total
Total sales (YoY, %) 99.2 98.9 96.6 98.6 99.2 99.2 98.6
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.4 98.6 96.9 98.4 98.1 97.8 98.2
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 97.7 101.5 94.6 99.9 106.5 108.0 101.6
  September October November December January February Year Total
Total sales (YoY, %) 100.6 95.3 95.9 95.7 96.2 96.1 97.7
CVS category (YoY, %) 101.2 94.7 96.1 96.5 96.2 96.3 97.5
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 96.8 99.7 94.5 89.6 95.6 94.6 98.6

  • *New business stores are not included.

Number of stores

As of February 28, 2019

  March April May June July August
Japan 2,255 2,257 2,244 2,240 2,238 2,239
Vietnam 118 119 122 124 122 120
  September October November December January February
Japan 2,237 2,238 2,231 2,210 2,203 2,197
Vietnam 122 121 120 122 118 116
  • *Displayed with new business stores included (excluding MINISTOP POCKET).

Operating results / number of stores historical data