Operating results

As of February 28, 2023

  • *"Same-store" means the stores which have been operating for more than 12 months.

Same-store: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 402 409 414 424 439 438 422
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 100.4 98.6 99.1 98.6 99.2 99.6 99.3
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.0 98.0 98.5 97.5 99.2 99.6 98.7
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 110.7 103.2 102.9 105.9 98.8 99.6 103.1
Average daily transactions 636 649 665 688 690 684 670
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 97.5 96.5 98.0 97.3 97.2 98.4 97.5
Average sales / transaction (¥) 631 630 624 616 637 640 630
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 102.9 102.2 101.1 101.3 102.0 101.3 101.8
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 422 410 411 404 378 396 414
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 98.2 102.8 101.8 99.1 98.7 99.4 99.6
CVS category (YoY, %) 96.7 101.5 101.0 97.7 97.1 97.3 98.6
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 108.2 111.7 107.4 109.4 110.1 113.7 106.3
Average daily transactions 666 649 649 616 577 624 651
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 100.3 98.3 98.4 96.0 96.8 99.1 97.8
Average sales / transaction (¥) 634 632 634 655 655 635 635
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 97.9 104.5 103.4 103.2 102.0 100.2 101.8

All stores: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 401 409 414 424 439 437 422
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 100.9 99.1 100.0 99.4 99.9 100.2 99.9
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.6 98.5 99.4 98.4 100.0 100.2 99.3
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 111.2 103.6 103.6 106.6 99.4 99.9 103.5
Average daily transactions 636 649 665 688 690 683 670
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 97.9 96.8 98.7 98.0 97.8 98.9 98.0
Average sales / transaction (¥) 631 630 623 616 637 640 630
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 103.1 102.4 101.3 101.5 102.2 101.3 101.9
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 421 410 411 404 378 396 413
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 99.0 103.7 102.7 100.0 99.5 100.0 100.3
CVS category (YoY, %) 97.6 102.5 101.9 98.7 97.9 98.0 99.3
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 108.8 112.4 108.0 110.2 110.7 114.1 106.8
Average daily transactions 665 649 648 616 577 623 651
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 101.1 99.1 99.2 96.8 97.5 99.7 98.4
Average sales / transaction (¥) 633 632 634 655 655 635 635
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 98.0 104.6 103.5 103.3 102.1 100.3 101.9

All store total sales

  March April May June July August First-half total
Total sales (YoY, %) 99.4 97.4 97.7 97.0 97.5 98.0 97.8
CVS category (YoY, %) 98.0 96.8 97.1 96.0 97.6 98.0 97.3
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 109.5 101.8 101.2 104.0 97.0 97.8 101.4
  September October November December January February Year Total
Total sales (YoY, %) 96.7 100.8 99.4 97.0 96.3 97.2 97.9
CVS category (YoY, %) 95.3 99.6 98.7 95.6 94.7 95.2 96.9
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 106.3 109.2 104.7 106.8 107.2 110.8 104.2

  • *New business stores are not included.

Number of stores

As of February 28, 2023

  March April May June July August
Japan 1,958 1,958 1,931 1,932 1,930 1,930
Vietnam 120 123 126 128 127 128
  September October November December January February
Japan 1,916 1,913 1,910 1,907 1,907 1,907
Vietnam 132 133 135 138 138 137
  • *Displayed with new business stores included (excluding MINISTOP POCKET).

Operating results / number of stores historical data