Operating results

As of February 29, 2024

  • *"Same-store" means the stores which have been operating for more than 12 months.

Same-store: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 413 424 419 432 454 454 433
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 101.0 101.9 99.8 100.6 102.0 102.5 101.4
CVS category (YoY, %) 98.5 99.1 97.6 98.1 98.9 100.2 98.8
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 117.9 121.7 113.9 117.4 120.7 115.9 117.9
Average daily transactions 640 658 652 677 696 697 670
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 98.9 99.8 97.0 97.2 99.7 100.8 98.9
Average sales / transaction (¥) 645 645 642 639 652 652 646
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 102.1 102.2 102.9 103.5 102.3 101.7 102.5
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 428 414 417 411 383 401 421
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 100.4 100.1 100.6 100.9 100.4 100.3 100.9
CVS category (YoY, %) 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.7 98.2 99.0 98.7
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 111.5 109.9 113.0 115.3 113.7 108.2 114.9
Average daily transactions 668 646 651 625 581 620 651
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 99.4 98.8 99.6 100.6 99.8 98.5 99.1
Average sales / transaction (¥) 640 641 640 658 659 648 647
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 101.0 101.4 100.9 100.3 100.6 101.9 101.8

All stores: per store / day

  March April May June July August First-half total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 413 424 419 432 454 454 433
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 102.8 103.7 101.0 101.9 103.3 103.7 102.6
CVS category (YoY, %) 100.4 100.9 98.8 99.4 100.2 101.5 100.1
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 119.4 123.3 114.8 118.5 121.7 116.8 118.9
Average daily transactions 639 658 652 676 696 697 670
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 100.5 101.3 98.1 98.3 100.8 101.9 100.1
Average sales / transaction (¥) 645 645 642 639 652 651 646
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 102.3 102.3 103.0 103.6 102.4 101.8 102.6
  September October November December January February Year Total
Average daily sales (¥'000) 427 414 416 410 383 401 421
Average daily sales (YoY, %) 101.4 101.0 101.3 101.7 101.3 101.3 101.8
CVS category (YoY, %) 99.6 99.4 99.4 99.5 99.2 100.0 99.6
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 112.4 110.8 113.6 116.1 114.4 109.2 115.8
Average daily transactions 668 646 651 624 581 620 651
Average daily transactions (YoY, %) 100.4 99.6 100.3 101.4 100.7 99.4 100.0
Average sales / transaction (¥) 640 641 640 657 659 647 647
Average sales / transaction (YoY, %) 101.1 101.4 101.0 100.3 100.6 102.0 101.8

All store total sales

  March April May June July August First-half total
Total sales (YoY, %) 97.5 98.1 96.5 97.5 99.2 99.8 98.1
CVS category (YoY, %) 95.2 95.5 94.3 95.1 96.2 97.6 95.7
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 112.9 116.7 109.7 113.3 116.9 112.4 113.6
  September October November December January February Year Total
Total sales (YoY, %) 97.8 97.9 98.5 98.9 98.7 102.2 98.5
CVS category (YoY, %) 96.1 96.4 96.7 96.8 96.6 100.9 96.4
In-store FF category (YoY, %) 108.4 107.3 110.5 112.9 111.5 110.1 111.9

  • *New business stores are not included.

Number of stores

As of February 29, 2024

  March April May June July August
Japan 1,855 1,854 1,853 1,853 1,852 1,855
Vietnam 140 146 149 151 157 159
  September October November December January February
Japan 1,856 1,856 1,855 1,856 1,855 1,856
Vietnam 161 162 162 164 169 173
  • *Displayed with new business stores included (excluding MINISTOP POCKET).

Operating results / number of stores historical data